Academic Advising for Freshmen
This page applies to incoming freshman students with dual-credit courses; a different process and criteria apply to students already at the University of Dallas wishing to transfer a course from another institution.
General Information
- Prospective students who have not yet been admitted to UD are not eligible to receive a credit evaluation.
- UD only accepts a combination of 32 college/university credits and AP credits from incoming freshmen students. Therefore, if you have taken over 32 credits, we will accept and deny credits with our best judgment.
- Only courses with grades of C- or higher may transfer. Courses in which a grade lower than C- is earned will not transfer.
- Submission of your final transcript is required. Evaluations do not include any courses that are listed as courses in progress. Evaluations are subject to change upon receipt of additional transcripts or AP test scores.
- To receive credit for work completed in a non-accredited college or university, students must first complete 24 semester credits with a C average (2.0) at UD.
- If you have questions, please contact the Transfer Counselor, German J. Lopez.
Please keep the following in mind:
- Credit evaluations for dual credit are a review of the most recent college transcript received by UD, provided to the student after they have been admitted to UD. Prospective students that have not yet been admitted to UD are not eligible to receive a credit evaluation.
- For incoming freshmen seeking dual credit, UD only accepts a combination of 32 college/university
credits and AP credits from incoming freshmen students. Therefore, if you have taken over 32 credits, we
will accept and deny credits with our best judgment.
UD accepts up to twelve hours of upper-division credit (i.e. junior and senior-level courses). - Evaluations do not include any courses that are listed as courses in progress.
Submission of your final transcript is required prior to registration. Failure to submit the final transcript of completed coursework may result in an administrative hold or being administratively withdrawn from UD. - Evaluations are subject to change upon receipt of additional transcripts or AP test scores, and the Dean’s Office will provide you with a final official credit evaluation.
- If you have questions, please contact the Transfer Counselor, German J. Lopez.
Academic Advising for Dual Credit
The Core Curriculum classes listed below are required for all undergraduate students at the University of Dallas. Standards for the credits that transfer are determined by academic departments. In many cases, a course syllabus and list of readings is required from the class being considered to determine possible credit. Courses that do not fulfill the criteria may still transfer in as elective credit. (After meeting core and major requirements most UD students need fewer than 15 elective credits. Transferring in many general electives, therefore, may not be helpful for making progress toward graduation.)
Economics – Three hours required
ECO 1311 combines microeconomic theory, macroeconomic theory, and the ethical/moral implications of economic theory. Credit for the economics Core requirement can be granted for students who have completed both a principles of microeconomics and a principles of macroeconomics course.
English – 12 hours required
Six hours must be taken at UD (almost always Literary Tradition I & II. Literary Tradition courses are literature courses with a strong writing component, not composition courses).
The following courses may be considered for transfer credits for Literary Traditions III & IV:
- Literature – Dramatic tragedy and comedy courses*
- Literary – Novel courses
Fine Arts – Three hours required
The following are appropriate to transfer as fine art credit:
- History of Art, Music or Theater
- History of Art and Architecture*
Courses focused on the history of the arts rather than art appreciation are more likely to transfer.
History – 12 hours required
The following courses will usually transfer:
- American History I, beginning to 1877
- American History II, 1877 to present
- Western Civilization I, beginning to Reformation period*
- Western Civilization II, Reformation to Post-WWII
Language – Up to 12 hours required
Six hours of second-year language courses or the equivalent demonstrated by a placement exam, AP or IB credit required. To qualify for the second-year level, a student must do one of the following:
- Take first-year language at UD
- Place into the second-year course through a required placement exam
Languages offered: French, German, Italian, Spanish, Greek and Latin
Math – Three to four hours required
The following are appropriate to transfer in for math credit for all undergraduates:
- Calculus (four-credit course)
- Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometries (emphasis on the development of mathematical thought and reasoning rather than demonstration of skills)
- Statistics
Online math courses may be accepted for credit after the student has passed an exam administered at UD to verify the integrity of the online course.
College Algebra is not accepted for transfer. Precalculus is accepted as elective credit but not as fulfilling a Core requirement.
Philosophy – Nine hours required
Transfer credit for UD’s PHI 1301 Philosophy and the Ethical Life course entails having taken a course that includes Plato’s Republic and Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics.
Politics – Three hours required
UD’s Core includes a political philosophy course with readings from Tocqueville’s Democracy in America and other documents from the founding era. Because of its nature, a traditional US Government class does not typically count as a transfer equivalent.
Science – Eight hours required (including labs)
One biological science and one physical science, each with a lab, are required of all students and may be transferred.
The following are appropriate to transfer in as a biological science credit:
- Non-majors biology course with an accompanying lab
- General Biology I or II with labs
- Environmental Science with lab
The following are appropriate to transfer in as a physical science credit:
- Astronomy with lab
- General Chemistry I and II with labs
- Non-majors physics or chemistry course with an accompanying lab
- General Physics with lab
Theology – Six hours required
Because of the unique content of UD Core theology courses, transfer students are advised to fulfill the theology requirement at the university. A scripture course, however, may be considered for THE 1310 Understanding the Bible.
The following subjects are not part of UD’s Core curriculum, but may still transfer.
The following are appropriate to transfer in for credit in the College of Business. They do not satisfy the undergraduate math requirement.
Financial Accounting
Finite Math
The BUS 1301 Business Foundation at UD is required of all business majors and is not
accepted as transfer.
Introductory psychology survey courses may transfer as General Psychology. The PSY 1311 Foundations of Psychology course at UD is required of all psychology majors and is not accepted as transfer.
*Classes typically taken while studying on the Rome campus. Students who choose to participate in the Rome Program receive these transfer credits as elective credits. Students who choose not to participate in the Rome Program have the transfer credits applied to the Core requirements.